
Illawarra researchers combine to support region’s hand sanitiser production

The Molecular Horizon’s team, headed by Professor Antoine van Oijen, found out worldwide product shortages and supply chain disruptions meant supplies of hand sanitiser were becoming low across the region and decided to make a stand.

According to Van Oijen the project has the ingredients needed and facilities available to produce up to 400 litres of hand sanitiser.

ISLHD chief executive Margot Mains said UOW and ISLHD have shared a strong partnership and was grateful for the support in producing hand sanitiser for Wollongong hospital and region.

With the first batch of WHO-recommended hand rub formula made a few weeks ago and a second batch made last week, a total of 80 litres has already been provided to Wollongong hospital.

UOW and Wollongong Hospital have made plans to continue the production of hand sanitiser to ensure that the hospital has a steady supply until their regular supplier starts delivering again.

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