Meeting the growing challenges of our maritime priorities


Our oceans make up almost three quarters of the Earth’s surface, impacting everything from our climate, economy, transport and lifestyle to our food and national security.

Ancors’ Strengths

It’s working to meet the growing challenges of managing our maritime services, activities and environment, actively shaping the development of industries and government policy in Australia, the wider Indo-Pacific region and beyond. Research, education and advocacy at ANCORS touches on a diversity of areas:

Climate Change, Fisheries and Food Security

Collaboratively addressing global food security challenges through research to develop innovative and practical policy solutions and improve fisheries management.

Fisheries Governance

Applied research into how we manage human interaction with our marine environment and develop innovative solutions to challenges in fisheries management and development.​

Fisheries Management and the Marine Economy

Informing innovative regulatory approaches to address overfishing and create sustainable fishing practices, enhance the ‘blue economy’ and protect marine environments.

Marine Environment

Academic research and technical and advisory services across a broad range of marine environmental law and policy issues to enhance the protection of the marine ecosystem.

Maritime Limits and Boundaries

Advancing maritime jurisdictional issues and ocean boundary-making through research and practical advocacy, spanning legal, geo-scientific and political dimensions.

Maritime Regulation and Enforcement

Addressing challenges in surveillance, regulation and enforcement of coastal State laws in ocean areas, collaborating with agencies in Australia and across our region.

Maritime Strategy and Security

Informing contemporary national maritime strategy and sea power within a geopolitical and geostrategic context through policy, legal, technological and at-sea enforcement aspects. 

Ocean Law and Policy

International leadership in practical ocean law and policy research, dedicated to improving marine legislation and policy in the Pacific and Southeast Asian states.

Oceans Governance

Deep expertise in evolving global and regional marine governance frameworks beyond national jurisdiction, across the full spectrum of planning, management and conservation. 

Tackling Food Security

Maritime experts tackle food security issues in Pacific ANCORS funding boost aims to improve wellbeing of Pacific island nations Catching, trading and eating fish is central to the South Pacific […]

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