Health & Wellbeing


By Dietitians Association of Australia

Successful weight management means a long-term commitment to a healthy lifestyle focused on eating healthy foods and keeping physically active in a way that is suitable and enjoyable.

  • Choose a variety of foods including plenty of breads, cereals, fruits and vegetables; moderate amounts of low fat dairy foods and lean meats or alternatives and small amounts of poly-unsaturated or mono-unsaturated fats and oils.
  • ‘Hunger’ is the best guide – eat when you feel hungry and stop when you are full. Be aware of eating when you are bored or emotional or eating out of habit, rather than when you are hungry. Keep a food diary to find out when this is happening.
  • Some foods should be eaten occasionally rather than everyday. These include many takeaway foods (especially those that are deep fried and high in sugar), pies, chocolate, sweets, pastries, biscuits, cakes and chips. It is ok to enjoy these foods once in a while.
  • Aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most, if not all days of the week for weight loss. 30 minutes of walking and 30min of lifestyle activities should be the aim.
  • Choose a variety of foods. Aim for at least 20 different food items or ingredients daily. It has been shown that food variety has a direct correlation with nutritional value.
  • Try to drink plenty of water. Be aware of energy in soft drinks, fruit juices and alcohol.

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