UOW Security

Safety on campus

UOW is committed to the safety and protection of people and property across our University campuses. UOW Security operates in Wollongong 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the year and responds to the Wollongong Campus, Innovation Campus and Student Accommodation and business activity across Wollongong.

UOW Security


Step 1: Contact UOW Security on 4221 4900 (ext 214900), or raise an Emergency Alert, a First Aid Alert or Help call using the SafeZone app.

Step 2: Dial Triple Zero (000) for Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance.


Innovation Campus Emergency Response Procedures (PDF: 1,751KB)


General enquiries

Contact Security for other non emergency issues such as report incidents , lost and found items and to request after dark safety escort (available for UOW staff and students only) by calling UOW Security on 4221 4555 (ext 214555).

Email: security@uow.edu.au  

SafeZone App

SafeZone is UOW Security’s mobile app and is the quickest way to contact Security. All UOW Campus locations are covered by the app. Safezone is only available for those with UOW email addresses.

Smoking on campus

Smoke-free campus

The University of Wollongong and Innovation Campus are smoke-free, vape-free campuses. The Smoke-Free University Policy (introduced in 2016) models positive health choices, raises awareness about the harmful effects of smoking, vapes and e-cigarettes and removes the exposure of second-hand smoke for our staff, students and visitors.

Where can I smoke/vape?

On the Innovation Campus, there are two designated smoking/vaping areas; one is located between B230 and B234 on the eastern side, and the other is located on the eastern side of B236. They are clearly signposted and can be found using the interactive map and selecting Designated Smoking Areas.

On Wollongong campus, a designated smoking/vaping area is available at B12 Unibar, which is clearly signposted and can be found using the interactive map and selecting Amenities.

Users are reminded to dispose of their cigarettes/vapes appropriately.